Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry

Semantic EDUCLOUD Carnot Project

Participants : Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Catherine Faron-Zucker.

Partner : GAYAtech. This project was just accepted this year on the topic of semantic Web for e-learning. This is a joint project with Gayatech on the recommendation of pedagogical resources adapted to user profile and context in the EDUCLOUD 06 Serious Game. To get help in his quests and various quiz testing his knowledge, the gamer can use external digital resources (books, video, TV, Web) and an in-game social network to work with his teacher and comrades. In this context, and to meet the needs of GAYATECH developing edutainment solutions, the Semantic EDUCLOUD project aims to improve the recommendation of educational resources to learners in EDUCLOUD 06, by using semantic Web and social Web models and techniques.

Vigiglobe Carnot Project

Participants : Elena Cabrio, Serena Villata.

Partner : Vigiglobe.

This project was just accepted this year on the topic of Natural Language Argumentation on Twitter: Retrieval of Argumentative Structures and Reasoning. this is a joint project with Vigiglobe on the natural language processing of argumentation on Twitter to retrieve argumentative structures and reason on them. The goal of the project is to : (1) Automate the selection and annotation of tweets, i.e., retrieval of those tweets that can be considered as arguments (2) Automate the assignment of labels to the type of relation holding between arguments - positive relation or negative relation. (3) Create an argumentation graph illustrating the relations between the arguments about a certain subject, and the further application of argumentation semantics to compute the set of ”winning” arguments This graph-based visualization provides a summary of the ongoing discussion on Twitter.